No - A Guide For Busy People

$ 10.00 USD

This may be exactly what you’re looking for—hope and help. Author, Doug Fields knows what it’s like to be busy, stressed, overloaded, and out-of-control. He walks you through his own journey of people-pleasing and saying “yes” until he discovered the power in the simple word “NO” and prods you with the questions and suggestions for how to overcome busyness in your own life. You can’t change the 1,440 minutes you get every day, but you can change how you respond to the many opportunities that come your way looking for a “yes.” While it’s not always easy, you can say it: NO!

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No - A Guide For Busy People

$ 10.00 USD

This may be exactly what you’re looking for—hope and help. Author, Doug Fields knows what it’s like to be busy, stressed, overloaded, and out-of-control. He walks you through his own journey of people-pleasing and saying “yes” until he discovered the power in the simple word “NO” and prods you with the questions and suggestions for how to overcome busyness in your own life. You can’t change the 1,440 minutes you get every day, but you can change how you respond to the many opportunities that come your way looking for a “yes.” While it’s not always easy, you can say it: NO!

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